Washocook NaganoAzumino


Diet cooking class using mushrooms

If you are on a diet, self-catering with easy-to-prepare ingredients is a shortcut to a healthy diet. Mushrooms are very low in calories because 90% of mushrooms are water and fat is equal to zero. We recommend eating mushrooms that are chewy and easy to get full. The nutritional value of mushrooms is not well known, but it contains more dietary fiber than cabbage, is rich in vitamins and minerals, and contains folic acid, which is recommended for pregnant women. It also contains potassium, which is necessary to eliminate swelling. Mushrooms are still rich in nutrients, contain many amino acids necessary for the growth of children, GABA, which is essential for good sleep, and β-glucan, which strengthens immunity. We Included. I would like to spread the charm of such nutritious mushrooms throughout Japan, so I look forward to working with you all.    

Akiko, Miyazawa

Teachers profile
I love Shinshu, which is cool in the morning and evening even in the hot summer and is comfortable to spend. Especially in Azumino, where I live, there are many nice cafes and galleries, and there are many tourists because you can enjoy hot springs, skiing, and nature walks. Shinshu's food is also varied, and is famous for oyaki, handmade soba, edible wild plants, sardines, salmon, sanzoku-yaki, fried rainbow trout, tofu taraku, yashouma, and river fish. The reason why I decided to have a mushroom-based cooking class in such a wonderful Shinshu is that I have loved delicious food since I was young and loved cooking. I love delicious food, so I decided to have a cooking class using mushrooms, which is useful for diets that I am very interested in. When I was young, I tended to focus on new things such as Western food and Italian food, but as I got older, I began to realize the goodness of Japanese food, and I used to teach English at kindergarten. I thought it might be useful, so I decided to work on it. I used to work in English when I was in my twenties, so now I'm in my fifties and I'm starting to study again, but I want to expand my world by interacting with various people around the world. I look forward to working with you.
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