Washocook Bulgaria



〜講師はDenitsaさん ブルガリアの方で東京在住でマクロビの先生です〜

今回のメニュー ~材料はご自身でご用意ください。事前にレシピをお送りします。~




今回のレッスンは英語になります。 英語とお料理が同時に学べる嬉しい機会です😊






Teachers profile
 I am Denitsa, from Bulgaria and I have always been intrigued by health, food and nutrition. My mother was working in the food industry and I was inspired by the magic of foods since I was a kid. I was working previously in the Ministry of Environment in Bulgaria, and in a big corporation before heading to China 9 years ago, because of my husband’s job. There, I fell in love with the Asian culture and started my journey with cooking and specifically cooking for health. After 5 and a half years we moved to Japan where I deepened my knowledge about health and food as medicine through Macrobiotics. For the past 4 years I got certified as Macrobiotic counselor and I enjoyed learning everything about Japanese superfoods and cuisine. However, as Bulgarian I am still preparing our favorite traditional dishes incorporating the healthy principles and I love sharing them with friends and others. I would be happy to introduce our culture through food and open a new door of knowledge and experience for you!
Upcoming availability
