Online Rolled Sushi Cooking

Welcome to this online  "Rolled Sushi cooking class"
like - "Rolled Sushi" "Chirashi Sushi" "Inari Sushi"
We'll cook four delicious, easy-to-make dishes. First, we’ll prepare dashi, a simple seaweed-based stock that is the cornerstone of our country's cooking. Using seasonal ingredients and dashi stock, we’ll make Sushi menus.

I’ll explain the ingredients, share cooking tips, and provide step-by-step instruction on how to make everything with local cooking tools.  There are plenty of complicated and time-consuming Japanese recipes, but I want you to learn ones that you'll use back home. When we’re finished, we’ll eat the food we prepared together.

<Menu> ・Rolled Shusi ・Savory egg custard ・Miso-Soup
・White sesame pudding ・Soup-stock

1.Follow along with a detailed demonstration from your friendly online instructor and create rolled sushi making !
2.Use a variety of tools and ingredients to build your rolled sushi,
A 1.5-hour online rolled sushi cooking class

Recipes (will be provided before the class)

Ingredients for creating your own rolled sushi and cooking tools.
Meeting Point and Meeting Time:
This cooking class will be held online. I will send you the ZOOM for our class in advance.
Please prepare the following ingredients for this class:

Maki sushi, rolled sushi made with seaweed on the outside and rice on the inside (made with egg, carrot, cucumber, Kanikama or tuna flake and Kanpyou or mushroom)
<1 person>
・Cooked Rice:165g (rice 0.5 cup before cooked)
・“Sushi-su”(Sushi-Vinegar)  18ml
Or Vinegar  1Tbsp+Sugar ¼ Tbsp+Salt 1 pinch
・“Nori”(seaweed sheet) :1Sheet
・Tuna flake:3tsps. Or  Kanikamaboko  3pieces
・“Kanpyou”Dried gourd shavings (かんぴょう) or  Mushroom(椎茸)
30cm ×1 pieces or 1pieces

★Dashi (Dry bonito)  powder  or chicken stock powder:1 tsp
★Water:100 ml
★Soy sauce: 1 Tbsp.
★Sugar : 1Tbsp.
★Mirin : 1Tbsp