Welcome to Washocook recipes.


The concept is “The easiest recipes of Japanese dishes in the world“.

You think it’s difficult to make Japanese cuisine?
This site introduces home cooking that can be cooked by any foreigner within 20 minutes per dish.
Our recipes are “for beginners”, “bento boxes”, “hospitality dishes” that are easy for foreigner to take into their daily life.
We provide 1-minute videos recipes, so you can easily cook Japanese dishes.
You can also buy the tools and seasonings that you need for cooking from this site. Noriko,Tominaga launched “Washocook Co., Ltd.” and introduced home-style Japanese dishes that foreigners can cook
within 20 minutes per a dish.

Recipes are “Japanese mothers’ taste “inherited from my mother-in-law. The meaning of Washocook is “Washoku” and “Cooking” The mark of “Washocook” logo is the figure that my mother-in-law has a dish wearing cooking apron. Washocook has introduced Japanese dishes to more than 1000 foreigners every year. I start the 1-minute video recipes site in order to expand Japanese dishes to more foreign countries. Let’s cook Japanese dishes together.

コンセプトは “簡単に作れる” です。


2016年富永紀子が “わしょクック株式会社” を立ち上げ、外国人に1皿10分でできる家庭料理を紹介し始めました。わしょクックのレシピはお義母さんから受け継いだ ”日本の母の家庭料理“ です。わしょクックとは Washoku と Cooking という意味で、ロゴマークはお義母が割烹着を着て料理を持っている姿です。
