This website was created and is managed and operated by Washocook Co.,Ltd. When using Washocook Recipes website (hereinafter “our website”) please carefully read the following site policies. Further, please understand that the policies concerning our website are subject to change, without notice, whenever the need for additional revisions arises.


Links to our website are not, in principle, permitted. In particular, the following links are strongly prohibited:

  • A website that contains content intended to libel or defame Washocook or any of its affiliates, their directors or employees.
  • A website that contains material offensive to public order and morality that may damage Washocook’s credibility or integrity.
  • A website that uses frame links, etc. that make it unclear whether the material referred to comes from Washocook’s website.
  • A website that gives the false impression of the existence of an alliance or collaborative arrangement with Washocook, or that gives the false impression that Washocook recognizes or endorses the linked site.
  • Any other website judged inappropriate by Washocook.
  • Washocook may request the deletion of any link to which above applies, regardless of any permission previously granted by Washocook.


The content of this website is owned by Washocook or used with the permission of the copyright owner. None of this site’s content, whether in whole or in part, may be used or copied without the prior written consent of Washocook.

Privacy Policy

If an enquiry is made through our website you may be requested to input personal information. However, personal information which has been transmitted will be rigorously managed so as to prevent the loss, falsification, or disclosure of such information and access will be allowed only to authorized persons. In addition, though such information will be used for the purpose of improving Washocook’s services, it will not be disclosed to any third party unless the approval of the individual inputting it has been provided, however, that disclosure may occur in the event submission is demanded by a public legal institution (i.e. a court or police agency) pursuant to legal or regulatory procedures.


Each item of Content on our website was prepared with due care and displayed after confirmation. However, neither Washocook nor the provider of such Content shall have any liability concerning the accuracy, suitability or completeness thereof. Washocook shall not be liable for any damage or injury incidental to your use of the information contained in this website. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Washocook reserves the right to suspend or discontinue operation of this site without notice. Washocook shall not be liable for any damage or injury incidental to your inability to access this site due to suspension or discontinuation of its operation, or due to modifications to the information contained herein.